Saturday, August 6, 2005

Ultima VIII Guide Remade

Well, I finally got around to re-implementing the Ultima VIII: Pagan guide that I made several years ago.

It was almost painful to look at the gawd-awful HTML that FrontPage had generated. But then again, it got the job done when I didn't know (or care) much about HTML standards, CSS wasn't working correctly in (m)any browsers, and people were just looking for information about Ultima.

Recasting these old pages into stories here took more than a bit of hand-editing; a cursory glance at the output looks like things are OK in general. Perhaps in time I'll go back and really do it right; however, it should be in pretty good shape for now.

The only thing that I should probably take care of next is making HTTP 301 redirects to let Google, et. al. know about the changes!

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