Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Robertson: Yet Another Example of Hypocrisy

I thought that I was used to radical right-wing Christian conservatives going way off the deep end. Well, today I was unfortunately proved wrong again.

Pat Robertson, creator of the nationally televised "The 700 Club," has now publicly advocated that the United States assassinate Venezeulan President Hugo Chavez. The purported justification of the deliberate murder? He's "a dangerous enemy to our south, controlling a huge pool of oil, that could hurt us badly." The fact that he's chummy with our good friends the Cubans irks him too, I'm sure.

If Robertson was just another right-wing extremist, that'd be fine; I could just ignore his rants as hateful rage against one of the many groups of people he thinks will be going to Hell. The difference here is that we have a Christian minister advocating murder -- and then for the reason that he has *gasp* OIL!

Perhaps Robertson needs to be reminded of the Second Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill." Or perhaps the single most important Commandment imparted by Jesus: "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

Hopefully remarks like these will cause Robertson's viewers who actually care about their faith and its implications to turn away from him. This type of behavior only serves to further drag the name of Christianity -- and all that it stands for -- through the mud.

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