Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Bush and Intelligent Design

Well, it was bound to happen one of these days. Today, President Bush presented his views on Intelligent Design -- namely, that it should be taught to biology students.

For those who don't know, intelligent design proposes that some biological features are so complex that they could not have possibly arisen from chance (i.e. evolved); therefore, they must have been designed by some other entity. Note I avoid 'created' in the description, as Creationism has already been declared illegal to evangelize in the public schools by the Supreme Court.

I see intelligent design as thinly-veiled Creationism. The fact of the matter is that the scientific community overwhelmingly rejects intelligent design and embraces evolution. Shouldn't we have scientists write science books?

Frankly, any theory that purports to replace Darwinian evolution would need to explain the overwhelming evidence of its existence -- that is, a replacement would need to incorporate the current, scientifically accepted form.

With this kind of debate going on (amongst politicians; scientists have considered the case closed for many decades by this point), it's no wonder why America is (rapidly) losing its leadership in science and technology.

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