Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Happy Birthday

Today, I turn 31. And what better things should I be doing than taking it easy, playing some Mega Man on the newly-updated Wii U Virtual Console, and restoring my wife's computer from a Windows 7 corruption?

Updating my near-extinct blog, of course!

I have been away from this website for more than a year, and what a busy time it has been!

Let's see...
  • Decided to buy a house
  • Decided to have a kid
  • Bought a house
  • Found out we're expecting a daughter -- she's technically due today!
  • Wrote some papers, gave some talks
  • Fostered several broods of kittens (oh so cute)
  • A smattering of home improvement projects
Perhaps best summarized as: life, in general.

Soon, I'll be making the transition into being an even more Responsible Adult as a newly-minted father. I can't wait!

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