Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Letter to My Representative About the Debt Ceiling

In my opinion, this whole debate about the debt ceiling has gotten completely out of hand.

Tonight, the President issued a request to all Americans to contact their elected representatives. Here's my shot at it:

Dear Representative Ryan:

This evening I am writing you per the President's request for concerned citizens to contact their elected representatives regarding the need for Congress to pass legislation that raises the debt ceiling.

As you are well aware, failure for Congress to pass such legislation in time for the President to sign it into law by August 2, 2011 would induce the first default in American history. Such an unprecedented, reckless action would mar the full faith and credit of the United States, increase the interest rates on future borrowing, and has a very strong likelihood of severely damaging the US -- if not the world -- economy.

I recognize the House has passed symbolic "Cut, Cap, and Balance" legislation, which was subsequently rejected by the Senate.

Such political theater is unacceptable to me, given the gravity of the matter and the impending deadline for action.

I strongly urge you to use your influence with your peers to craft compromise legislation that is capable of clearing both the House and Senate to promptly address this issue of national import.

I support the most ambitious initiatives put forth by the President to address the separate, but related issue, of reducing our structural deficits using a combination of spending cuts and increased tax revenue; in particular, broadening the corporate tax base by elimination of "loopholes" while reducing overall tax rates.

Please, do not ruin the impeccable credit of the United States by refusing to compromise. Use your position and influence to its fullest to avert the insanity of a self-inflicted default by raising the debt ceiling.

Here's hoping that this falls on non-deaf ears. :/

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