Tuesday, December 28, 2010

AirPlay Fun

Those that know me know that I am not an Apple fan by nature. (I have my grudges against OS X due to my preference for Linux.)

However, since getting an iPhone in May for my graduation birthday, I've been enjoying some of the features that it offers.

In particular, for Christmas this year, I received an AirPort Express. It lets me stream music from my home computer or iPhone directly to my home stereo system. (Thank you, Remote App!)

Now that it's working, I'm very happy. It's a great implementation, and my hat's off to Apple for doing it.

I did have some problems with my wireless connectivity, though, which I thought were worth mentioning to those who may be searching for solutions.

In particular, while configuring Remote and attempting to pair it to my home iTunes library, there comes a step where the remote shows up as a 'Device' in the iTunes application. Clicking on it brings you to a validation screen where one enters a four-digit passcode shown on the iPhone running Remote. My machines were all hanging at 'Verifying remote passcode...' and failing to properly pair.

It was not a machine-specific thing; rather, due to my home wireless connection. It does not manage my home Internet connection, but provides wireless access to my LAN. I reconfigured the router to act solely as an access point, which immediately allowed Remote to pair to iTunes on my home computers.

While that solution may not work for everyone, I'm pretty glad that I found something that worked!

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