Sunday, September 12, 2010

Checkout at the Condo

Today Kristen and I said goodbye to our first tenants at our condo. I feel very lucky to have been able to meet such nice people, and we wish them well as they move on to their brand-new home!

It was a nice afternoon, considering we were working on prepping the unit for its next occupants, who by all means are very nice as well. Kristen and I were masking off the living area in preparation for painting, while our tenant was finishing up the last of the cleaning and checkout. What made things fun was their infant daughter who "helped" us with the masking (she made an artistic rendering of a shark in blue masking tape), as well as listening to her and Kristen engage in spirited conversation.

Tomorrow will be a long day: painting and general repairs at the condo. Hooray...

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