Monday, August 30, 2010

In the Spirit of Migration

Another late-night post following an inability to sleep! I hope this doesn't get to be a habit...

I am currently spooling up my large photo collection to the cloud from my home-served Gallery2 system. While functional, it was time to make the change. I enjoyed the hobby aspect of running my own server, but keeping up with security patches, and lack of really good backup options finally made me decide to go with a professional service.

After consideration of two major services, Google Picasa and Yahoo's Flickr I went with the latter. Given the number of photos I have to store, the price is comparable; however, Flickr offered unlimited storage, providing  room for future expansion. It also really, really helped that there's a direct Gallery2 --> Flickr bridge module, gallery2flickr, to ease the pain of migrating thousands of annotated photos and photo albums to the service.

While it took a bit of code hacking to bring the 0.9.1 release to full operation, it's now working and well-spooling everything up to the Flickr-sphere. (Is that even a word?)

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