Monday, August 30, 2010

In the Spirit of Migration

Another late-night post following an inability to sleep! I hope this doesn't get to be a habit...

I am currently spooling up my large photo collection to the cloud from my home-served Gallery2 system. While functional, it was time to make the change. I enjoyed the hobby aspect of running my own server, but keeping up with security patches, and lack of really good backup options finally made me decide to go with a professional service.

After consideration of two major services, Google Picasa and Yahoo's Flickr I went with the latter. Given the number of photos I have to store, the price is comparable; however, Flickr offered unlimited storage, providing  room for future expansion. It also really, really helped that there's a direct Gallery2 --> Flickr bridge module, gallery2flickr, to ease the pain of migrating thousands of annotated photos and photo albums to the service.

While it took a bit of code hacking to bring the 0.9.1 release to full operation, it's now working and well-spooling everything up to the Flickr-sphere. (Is that even a word?)

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Ok, all 162 posts successfully migrated. (Still tired!)

Turns out it was a maximum-daily-post limitation, which is ~ 50/day. However, Google lets you import/export an arbitrary number of posts. So, with the help of three helper blogs, the BlogSync tool was able to painlessly transfer over all my old blog postings.

I think this is pretty nifty, considering they date back to just after I graduated from college in 2004. At the time, they lived in a little PHP-Nuke environment; most recently, an ancient version of Drupal which I never quite got to work.

Now that I've just given up on hosting my services, having a nice shiny blog hosted here will be a nice convenience. With luck, I'll actually post more often to it, as the relative difficulty of doing so with my old Drupal interface was what hindered me in the first place!

Something new for the masses!

I’ve got a bit of insomnia tonight. Since I’m not in a good enough state to write thesis now, I figured I’d take a stab at reviving my blog posting a bit.

The first thing I tried to do was to import my old blog posts over to Blogger. I found a nifty little tool (that might have been abandoned) at It got about 50-odd posts correctly, but failed to sync after that.

Perhaps that's just Google doing some anti-blog-spam measure. I'll have to try again later, I guess!