Thursday, July 27, 2006


You'd think that by living far, far away from dangerous things like rivers one would be less prone to casual flooding events. However, just that happened today.

I was isolated snugly in the basement of my building during a meeting, when one of my coworkers poked his head into the room. He was dripping water head to toe, and proclaimed that it was raining cats and dogs outside. Shortly thereafter, our vacuum technician reported flooding in our basement floor and led a team of undergraduates to circumvent the problem.

Downtown Madison and the areas near my lab were hit hardest. My girlfriend was trapped in her car as the roads were flooding. Fortunately, she was able to get off the roads safely. Afterward, she took pictures to show just how bad things were. (These were taken after the water had receded by eight inches!)

A local newspaper reporter also got a chance to snap a picture of her, too!


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