Saturday, February 4, 2006

Checking In

It's probably been a bit longer than it should have been between my last post and now. However, the life of a graduate student often precludes the mythical 'free time' you need to write these entries!

I had the good fortune to spend the Christmas holiday with my family. Over New Years, I drove from Minnesota to Chicago to see my cousin get married. (Kristen and I took advantage of the weekend as well; she came into town via an Amtrak commuter train the day my family flew out, and we spend the day on the town, ending up at her family's place outside Milwaukee.) Aside from that, there isn't really much else going on.

I'm still working hard, most recently on a project that only true computer programming types can appreciate: creating an interface library to pass data types between different programming languages. Specifically, between LabView and MDSplus, a data storage and retrieval system that has become the de facto standard in the fusion science research community. It turns out that MDSplus is a requisite component of the PCS system I will be using for my Ph.D thesis research. It's been straightforward, and exceedingly dull, work.

To make things more fun at home, I've been working on my homebrew PVR as well. I am working on a way to export the TV shows I record to DVD's playable on any player. It's been a fun challenge, and when I have a solution I like, I'll write more about it in my PVR section.

For now, it's back to my new theory course of the semester -- Magnetohydrodynamics. (It's fun to say, not to do!)

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