Friday, July 1, 2005

Just Desserts

While I may be a plasma physicist, I also enjoy playing armchair lawyer from time to time. :) In that spirit, I was unsettled by the recent Supreme Court decision that would effectively allow local governments to exercise their powers of eminent domain to take land from private owners not just for public projects like roads, but also private venues, based on things like increased tax revenue for the municipality. (Madison, for instance, is looking to bulldoze several homes near the State Street area in order to expand a parking lot (public) and establish a new condominium unit (private).) After all, what's the point of owning private property if you can be kicked out of your home in order for McDonalds to erect yet another set of the Golden Arches?

Well, in a supreme fit of irony, it seems like Justice Souter, who was a supporting member of the 5-4 decision, may be getting a taste of his own medicine. A private developer has started "the application process to build a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road. This is the present location of Mr. Souter's home."

I, for one, hope that "The Lost Liberty Hotel," "Just Desserts Cafe," and museum dedicated to the loss of freedoms in America is successfully built. After all, the developer just needs to convince three of the five local board members to go forward!

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