Thursday, April 21, 2005

... and the dust settles...

The engineering expo brought more than 2700 people through my lab over the course of three days this weekend. Managing the throng of humanity (much less a bunch of snotty middle-schoolers (or mischievous fifth graders) proved to be an exhausting -- but rewarding -- task. [Snotty middle-schoolers give you more respect when you warn them about how the warning tape they've been casually flaunting around is there for a reason. ;)]

All in all, it was pretty fun. We had a helium glow plasma running inside the vacuum vessel, so people could go up and poke their heads right up to the machine and see a real live plasma (at a relatively cool 20,000 degrees Celsius). I ended up talking myself hoarse, but it was worth it. I remember taking tours of nifty science stuff when I was in grade school and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. Now I get to work in such a place! Not fun, however, was the button making. We made over 3,000 buttons (personal favorite: "Cheeseheads for Fusion") but were out before closing. That was time-consuming! ;)

I ended up poking my head around our basement lab hallway ceiling this evening. Despite working from 7 AM to 7 PM, I successfully ran about a mile of cable for my new toy at work -- the Plasma Control System. I've been designing it since November, and all the parts are finally here; the fun part of assembling them has arrived! (What could be niftier than a Linux box with dual processors -- except one that has another Linux box running inside of it as an embedded processor system? I'm still geeking out about that!)

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