Thursday, March 17, 2005

Congressional Shenanigans

Ever since the Republicans have effectively controlled all three branches of the Federal government, I've been waiting for progressively backhanded, shady-closed-door activities to take place. (The Cheney Energy Task Force meetings, ANWR oil drilling provisions (recently passed, dammit), Enron, squashing the CAFE auto efficiency standards, and more come to mind.) Following the actual election of Bush for a second round, and an improved majority in Congress, I expected more of our backwards, corrupt steps. I figure that it will take some egregious actions on the part of our Republican leaders to convince the nation that they don't deserve their positions of power.

While one would think that the actions of the House regarding Tom DeLay would be such an event, most Americans don't care. (Or likely know who Tom DeLay is.) Today, however, I've become exasparated with Congress much more than I ever have in the past -- keeping in mind that policies that I consider dangerous and harmful to the US are being implemented, by design, by the Republicans.

Today the House and Senate issued subpoenas to interfere with an exhaustive court battle in Terry Schiavo's right-to-die case. This is along the same lines where the Florida's Republican Legislature passed a law (which was quickly struck down as unconstitutional) enabling the Florida Executive branch (Jeb Bush) to overturn the court's decision. Now we're seeing Congress interfering with the sovereignty of the courts. Regardless of one's personal opinions on the case, this meddling should raise serious concerns among US citizenry. It certainly does for me.

For the Love of God, please let this poor, severely brain-damaged woman's wishes be carried out. The US Congress has much more important things to be working on (like balancing the $400+ billion defecit for this year alone) than holding publicity hearings with Major League Baseball stars and wasting time (and money) by holding Congressional hearings where the severely brain-damaged Schiavo, herself, [source] is expected to testify.

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