Sunday, January 30, 2005

The First Amendment and High Schoolers

Well, I happened across this alarming article on CNN from Slashdot today. It would seem that a growing and non-trivial percentage of the high school population does not understand nor particularly endorse the First Amendment.

Some of the misconceptions involve believing flag burning is illegal, that the government has the ability to (legally) censor Internet sites, and that it's worthwhile to give up freedoms for security.

Two comments:
1) "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
2) When I was in high school, I had a civics course. While taught by the football coach, it actually required some study of the Constitution and a basic comprehension of the US government. Perhaps civics education should be beefed up a bit? What were your experiences like in this regard?

Certainly, having a populace that doesn't understand their Constitutional rights makes it easier for the government to take them away. Witness the PATRIOT Act, which is getting knocked down bit-by-bit in the courts... Remember the massive protests, and the razor-thin vote to pass it? Oh, wait...

At least my senator cast the lone vote against it! Thank goodness he's back for another 6 years.

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