Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

As with last year, Kristen and I are going part-green by sending a virtual card to the most tech-savvy of our friends and family members. You can now enjoy our Christmas Card from the comfort of your computer, phone, or other electronic gizmo!* A higher-quality version is also available if you have some bandwidth to spare.  Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to you all!

* Assuming, of course, that one reads this blog. :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Defenders of Science

This afternoon, I read a great article regarding climate change deniers and their influence in American politics.

Franken, Whitehouse Expose Climate Deniers on Senate Floor

I wholeheartedly agree with Sens. Franken and Whitehouse regarding their testimony, who plainly and clearly address the claims of climate detractors in an accessible -- and at times humorous -- manner. For example, consider this analogy presented by Sen. Franken, taken from the Congressional Record:
Let me illustrate this with an analogy. Say you went to a doctor and the doctor told you: You better start eating more sensibly and start exercising, because you are tremendously overweight. I see that you have a family history of heart disease, and your father died of a heart attack at an early age. You have to go on a diet and start working out a little bit.
You say: You know what. I want a second opinion. So you go to a second doctor and he says: OK, you have a family history of heart disease. Your father died of a heart attack at a young age, and you weigh over 300 pounds. You smoke three packs a day. Your cholesterol is out of control, your blood pressure is through the roof. It would be irresponsible of me as a doctor not to immediately send you to this place at the Mayo Clinic that I know. I think you have to go there.
You say: Thanks, doctor, but I want a third opinion. So you go to the third doctor and the third doctor reads the chart and looks at you and goes: Wow, I am amazed that you are still alive.
You say: You know what. I want a fourth opinion. And then you go to the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh doctors. They are all saying the same thing. But you keep asking for more opinions.
Finally, you go to the 25th doctor. The 25th doctor says: It is a good thing you came to me, because all this diet and exercise would have been a complete waste. You are doing fine. Those other doctors are in the pockets of the fresh fruit and vegetable people. He says: Enjoy life, eat whatever you want, keep smoking, and watch a lot of TV. That is my advice.
Then you learn the doctor was paid a salary by the makers of Twinkies, which, don’t get me wrong, are a delicious snack food and should be eaten in moderation. Am I making sense here?
You certainly are.