Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Simple Fact-Check Comparison

After watching the debate last night, I, like many others I'm sure, was a bit disappointed in McCain's demeanor and overall performance. It galled me that he had the nerve to repeat known, disproved lies from his campaign trail on national TV. I like what CNN has been doing with their 'fact check' work (partnering with; what I don't like is that they don't summarize the fact check verdicts in the summary, forcing a click-through.

It seems like a pattern is emerging:

Summary of Fact-Check Verdicts for Campaigns
Issue Campaign Verdict
McCain health care plan; Business thinks bad idea Obama True
McCain: Misjudgment on Iraq ("greeted as liberators") Obama True
Obama: Never taken on party leadership McCain False
McCain: Not leader on Freddie-Fannie subprime lending warnings Obama True
Obama receiving record Fannie & Freddie campaign contributions McCain Misleading
McCain's involvement in Keating Scandal Obama True
Obama: 94 Tax-raising votes McCain Misleading;
Obama's comments re: Afghanistan McCain False
McCain health care plan; $5k credit insufficient for $12k cost Obama True

Wouldn't you think that the above presentation makes things a bit more clear?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Missed Advertising Opportunities!

I was waiting to give my 26th unit of blood yesterday, when I saw something I don't see every day: a blimp.

Watching that dirigible fly around the sky while I was giving blood helped keep my mind pleasantly occupied. Afterward, I was walking back to work and got a better look at the aircraft -- it was for Outback Steakhouse.

Now, I didn't go and get a steak dinner. But I thought about it. And that's more than I can say for every other form of advertising I've been bombarded with lately.