Monday, October 15, 2007

A Personal Reason to Dislike George Bush

... among many others.

Thanks to his cavorting around the southeast seaboard today in Air Force One, my wife's inbound and connecting flight schedules were completely, utterly disrupted. Now I don't get a chance to see her tonight, she misses medical appointments, and no one is happy.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Sometimes, this is how I feel the public understands my work

Gotta love The Onion. This time, they artfully blend the concept of ITER with that of a particle accelerator like CERN. Of course, there's the amazing infographic, too:

Look familiar? (Yay fusion!)

Mmm... Hypocricy...

Turns our Senator Craig is changing his firm, principled stand to resign from the Senate after voluntarily pleading guilty to lewd conduct (i.e. soliciting gay sex) in the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport mens' rooms.

First, it was a resignation by September 30; then, until a judge ruled on letting him attempt to withdraw his informed, voluntary guilty plea. Now, a Minnesota judge kindly reminded him that "The defendant, a career politician with a college education, is of at least above-average intelligence ... [h]e knew what he was saying, reading and signing."

Motion denied. :)

Well, at least he's consistent now. He's been lying to himself this far; lying to the public isn't that much of a stretch. I can't say I'm surprised for a typical member of his party.

Grr. Just had to get that off my chest.