Monday, September 24, 2007

Car Crashes are Not Fun

This is a little late, since I've been working on fixing an awkward, obscure bug with my website CMS. (Obscure Linux thing: upgrading PHP can break your site -- not because of the site, but because the freaking language changed...)

My wife and I were in an automobile accident on Friday, 21 September at approximately 8:15 PM. She's written about it here, and has photos of the totaled car. To reiterate:

  • Nobody was hurt in any serious fashion.

  • The car's gone.

  • Really, we're OK.

  • And, of course, the guy who hit us has no insurance.

It just sucks that our car's out of commission. Now we know for sure after hearing from the auto insurance people. Bleh. There's nothing like doing paperwork to make your weekend go even better!

At least this has led to some mildly interesting phone conversations:

Me: Hi, my arm and shoulder are bothering me following an automobile accident and I want your advice about what to do about it.
Nurse: So, you're having pain following an auto accident?
Me: Yes.
Nurse: Does it hurt when you lift heavy objects?
Me: Yes.
Nurse: Then don't lift any heavy objects.
Me: Okay...
Nurse: If it hurts, you can take an over-the-counter pain medication.
Me: Like the ibuprofen I took before calling you?
Nurse: Yep.

Finally, my family members are of course all glad nobody was hurt. (Me too!) But I like my brother's fitting tribute to the car, which he absolutely loved and drove throughout the majority of his high school career.

Nothing like independent confirmation...

Version 2.0 is here! The results... says I'm an Uber Cool Nerd God.  What are you?  Click here!

... are in good agreement with the original test. Except now I'm Uber Cool in addition to being a Nerd God. I like it.