Sunday, May 28, 2006

LVM Is Fun

There's nothing like starting a long weekend with Linux nerdery. To wit: the main server at now has an aggregate shared storage block of .8 TB, providing on average 1 TB of storage to machines on the network! (It turns out that MythTV eats a lot of storage, especially when one gets a chance to watch TV every few months or so!)

Niftier is that hard disks in the set can be reshuffled in and out with little repercussion. (On production-scale servers, for instance, drives can even be hot-swapped, avoiding a reboot!)

Also, the photo gallery has been provisionally fixed. It has been on the fritz since I nuked the server following a compromise. (Moral of the story: mod_rewrite is difficult to debug.)

Friday, May 12, 2006

(Fun - Sun) + Work in San Diego


That was where my conference was held today, on the General Atomics campus. I've been attending a conference on active control of plasmas in today's modern tokamaks, and otherwise getting in touch with a lot of people actively involved in the research community that I am particularly interested for my work on Pegasus. (It's pretty nifty to be in a spot that is so clearly distinguishable from space. Ok, pretty super spiffy.)

It being my first time in a higher-security DOE facility, let's just say it was impressive. Very impressive. The control room was laced with many, many operator/data visualization stations; several large-screen projectors with machine status information, etc.; cool blinking lights; and more.

It would appear that people from MIT are interested in the work that I've been doing to make interfacing C, LabView, and Igor programs with their data acquisition/storage/retrieval system, MDSplus.

I look forward to seeing what the final day of the conference brings -- as well as my return for a week-long stay in early June.

Thursday, May 4, 2006

You Know You're In Graduate School...

... when your pen runs out of ink as a result of working on the math for your magnetohydrodynamics final. :)

As a followup to my last post, there has been an amazing response at a blog set up to thank Colbert for his performance. With more than 45,000 comments (the vast majority compliments/thank yous) in less than a week -- and growing rapidly -- it would seem that his performance struck a resonance with the American people!

Monday, May 1, 2006

A Newfound Appreciation For Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert made a great speech at the White House Correspondents' dinner on Saturday.

All I can say is that if you haven't seen this routine, you need to. My particular favorite zinger:

"I mean, nothing satisfies [the White House Correspondents]. Everybody asks for personnel changes. So the White House has personnel changes. Then you write, 'Oh, they're just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.' First of all, that is a terrible metaphor. This administration is not sinking. This administration is soaring -- if anything, they are rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg!"

Colbert certainly has... guts... to be able to give the delivery he did with President Bush less than six feet away.

And perhaps of more interesting note, the New York Times completely omitted Colbert's sharp performance at the event, which also included a performance by a Bush lookalike. Perhaps Colbert was hitting too close to home with certain lapdogs of the Administration?