Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hacked Again!

There's nothing like finding out that your web server has been compromised by some Romanian kiddiez. And then kicking yourself because it's clearly your own fault.

At least it's forced me to upgrade my server OS -- something that really, really needed to be done. Unfortunately, it seems my CMS, Drupal, doesn't play nice with the latest versions of PHP and MYSQL. So, things may look craptacular for a while until I get it fixed. :)

Let this be a lesson -- MythTV users should not be allowed SSH login!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This is NOT Funny

Miss Deaf Texas Killed by Freight Train

She never heard it coming...

Is it wrong to laugh (at first) to this terrible tradgedy? It is unfortunately ironic.

Monday, March 6, 2006

Two Losses (one real)

Today Kirby Puckett died following complications from a stroke. I remember going to Twins games as a kid and hearing the Metrodome roar when the announcer called his name. He was a role model to many Minnesotans, myself included. It's a shame for things to end this way.

... and although I probably shouldn't mention these in the same posting, Fox killed off Edgar Stiles (along with tons of other agents) (CTRL+SHIFT+F5!) on 24 tonight. (How could they release the nerve gas in the headquarters? Damn them!)

Ok, back to solving linearized magnetohydrodynamics. I've had my night of TV for the week. It's a shame when it brings bad news, real or otherwise.

Two Losses (one real)

Today Kirby Puckett died following complications from a stroke. I remember going to Twins games as a kid and hearing the Metrodome roar when the announcer called his name. He was a role model to many Minnesotans, myself included. It's a shame for things to end this way.

... and although I probably shouldn't mention these in the same posting, Fox killed off Edgar Stiles (along with tons of other agents) (CTRL+SHIFT+F5!) on 24 tonight. (How could they release the nerve gas in the headquarters? Damn them!)

Ok, back to solving linearized magnetohydrodynamics. I've had my night of TV for the week. It's a shame when it brings bad news, real or otherwise.

Thursday, March 2, 2006

A Chance to Defeat Discrimination

Today the Republican-controlled Wisconsin Legislature approved a measure that will place an amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution before voters in November with the following text:

"Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state."

In essence, gay marriage will be prohibited -- and so will all forms of civil unions or other domestic partnerships that have been endorsed by other states.

While I'm not the person that would be directly discriminated against by this amendment -- and it is discrimination in my book -- we should all take pause and examine the situation that the Legislature has put before Wisconsin residents, namely, the very real possibility that the Constitution will be used to discriminate and segregate a portion of our population and specifically deny them rights.

This legal move is fundamentally wrong in and of itself, regardless of one's perspective on homosexuality. The Constitution of the US or its states should be used to protect rights of citizens, not banish them.

To that end, I look forward to voting against this measure. More information is available here.

On a completely different topic, my promised MythTV update has come around, including new information about how to export stored video to DVD!

A Chance to Defeat Discrimination

Today the Republican-controlled Wisconsin Legislature approved a measure that will place an amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution before voters in November with the following text:

"Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state."

In essence, gay marriage will be prohibited -- and so will all forms of civil unions or other domestic partnerships that have been endorsed by other states.

While I'm not the person that would be directly discriminated against by this amendment -- and it is discrimination in my book -- we should all take pause and examine the situation that the Legislature has put before Wisconsin residents, namely, the very real possibility that the Constitution will be used to discriminate and segregate a portion of our population and specifically deny them rights.

This legal move is fundamentally wrong in and of itself, regardless of one's perspective on homosexuality. The Constitution of the US or its states should be used to protect rights of citizens, not banish them.

To that end, I look forward to voting against this measure. More information is available here.

On a completely different topic, my promised MythTV update has come around, including new information about how to export stored video to DVD!