Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Premeditated War?

Now I may be preaching to the choir at this point, but regardless of what you think of our miserable failure of a President, an article I saw at CNN today raised my eyebrows.

Apparently there's evidence from Britain's MI6 that shows that the US was intent on invading Iraq and deposing Saddam Hussein well before Congress was briefed on the issue; moreover, the blatant lies of WMD as justification were being shored up by the Administration and their cronies in the intelligence community. Among the damning quotes:

"Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.

"The NSC had no patience with the U.N. route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action."

While I don't have my tinfoil hat on too tightly, if true (and the British haven't refuted its authenticity) you might want to ask your Congressional representatives to join in on the inquiry that is being presented to Bush to explain his actions.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Jackson's Last Push

It's hour twenty-something in my review of my electrodynamics notes. 100+ pages of solid math. Then the problems. There is no way I can possibly remember all of it on Thursday -- or likely important parts of it.

The important thing is that Jackson and his Relatavistic Electrodynamics will be behind me forever! Maybe then I can stop waking up with spherical harmonic expansions of potentials dancing around in my head...

Also of import: I learned that I won't be spending a week in sunny San Diego working at General Atomics this summer. I'll be spending two. :)

Friday, May 6, 2005

Cabin! Almost!

Now that my final exams are getting close to completion, my mind is starting to look forward to the existence of free time once again! I was wondering if people in and around MN/WI would like to join me up at my cabin at some undetermined weekend this summer.

What are people's thoughts? Something like this will require a bit of planning on my part, so if you're interested, head on over to the forums and let's discuss it. (Plus you can get directions to the lake from there too.)

Ok, back to work! At least I'm not working from 8:30 AM to 12:30 AM in the lab, like I did yesterday -- now I can work on a theoretical plasma physics final from those same timescales on the weekend! (Sigh) One more week...

PS I had a great birthday, albeit marred by finals. Thanks to everyone that sent nice notes, etc!