Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Lost Hydrogen Bomb Found

Over at CNN I found a disturbing story about a hydrogen bomb that was lost off the coast of Georgia (yes, the USA Georgia) in the height of the Cold War.

Well, we found it. While the Air Force insists that the bomb has no plutonium trigger (so that it can't go thermonuclear) and should remain 'irretrivably lost.'

I don't suppose it's too bad in this case (some of the others cited at the end of the article are far worse) -- but it reminds me of a quote from Broken Arrow: "I don't know what scares me more. The fact that we've lost a nuclear weapon, or that it happens so often you have a name for it!"

Monday, September 6, 2004

Exile Project Dead?

Well, after a little over two weeks of DNS bounces, it would appear that the Ultima VIII:Exile project has closed up shop after several years.

The idea was a great one -- re-create Pagan with the assistance of the Neverwinter Nights game engine. To fix lingering plot holes (and discuss them at great length).

The Exile project was what made me excited about Ultima again, and was repsonsible for motivating me to create my Ultima 8 guide. It's a shame to see it go.